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Posts in category 'Networking'
PS4 downloads have a reputation of being very slow. I did some digging to find out the root cause, and was surprised.
Large downloads work from all other servers, but fail from S3. Must be a problem on their end, right?
Some new proposed protocols will encrypt the transport layer headers. Encryption is good, so more encryption must be better, right? Unfortunately there's going to be a huge hidden cost that'll be paid by anyone troubleshooting networking problems.
Digging into the history and current state of RST handling, which shows surprising amounts of variability.
Some background information on flow disruptor, a network simulation tool I wrote. Why write yet another one of those, and did I learn anything while doing it?
Annotated slides of my presentation at the SIGCOMM 2015 HotMiddleBox workshop, talking about the work we've been doing on TCP optimization in mobile networks over the last few years.
Thoughts on how to write automated tests for a TCP implementation.
The filtering language of libpcap is one part wonderful, one part infuriating. This post looks at the infuriating part.
I was a guest on the Software Gone Wild podcast talking about things we've done at Teclo, and about radio networks.
I had a partial email outage lasting a few weeks. The ultimate root cause was pretty surprising to me.
HTTPS/SSL traffic share in mobile networks has doubled in 2014, and is now over 35% of traffic in some networks.
It's easy to write a TCP stack that works with most traffic. It's harder to write one that interoperates properly with every strange or buggy device that's out there.